Mobilise against sexism Council of Europe's online campaign with resources available in a number of languages is to raise awareness of this issue and to eliminate it. This campaign is designed to explain what sexism is and to provide ideas on how we can promote the change in mindset that is needed to “create a Europe free of sexism and its manifestations” (Recommendation CM / Rec (2019) 1 on preventing and combating sexism).
Sexism is harmful. It forms the basis of inequalities between women and men and can lead to discrimination.
Most women have experienced sexism at some point. Sexism is something that many women experience throughout the day: inappropriate comments on public transportation in the morning, lack of information to attend an important workplace meeting, unequal sharing of household chores, and parental education, and then later in the evening, sexist remarks on a TV show.
This ever-present attitude is a constant and lifelong burden. Sexism produces feelings of worthlessness, avoidance and self-censorship strategies, changes in behavior and deterioration in health. Individual acts of sexism create a climate of intimidation and insecurity, which can lead to tolerance of violence, especially against women and girls.
The aim of the Council of Europe's online campaign with resources available in a number of languages is to raise awareness of this issue and to eliminate it.
This campaign is designed to explain what sexism is and to provide ideas on how we can promote the change in mindset that is needed to “create a Europe free of sexism and its manifestations” (Recommendation CM / Rec (2019) 1 on preventing and combating sexism).