2024 - 01 July
Project financed by the European Women's Lobby through the Membership Support Regranting Scheme with European Union funds
Women priorities, first! (First, women's priorities!) brings to the fore the critical areas of intervention that represent the main cause of gender disparities in Romania.
Romania has one of the worst performances in Europe in terms of gender equality and women are affected by poverty to a greater extent than men.
Women's priorities, first! ((Women's priorities first!) is a project funded by the European Women's Lobby through the Membership Support Regranting Scheme with European Union funds and will run from July to November 2024.
Romanian Women's Lobby aims to increase visibility and interest in the priorities of women in Romania and Europe. Through the project:
- we will address solutions in several critical areas that represent the main cause of gender disparities in Romania,
- we will help increase the capacity of women's rights organizations to actively participate in decision-making processes to support women's rights.
As specific objectives, ROWL proposes the creation of 3 tools:
- Promotion of feminist policies in local councils - guide for local councillors,
- How to work with women's representatives - guide for empowering women's organizations,
- How to promote women's priorities in EU legislation - guide for Romanian MEPs.
Monitoring the national and European political agenda is essential for NGOs to have the opportunity to play their historical role as active representatives of the realities of all women and girls in the member states.
During the planned events, we will transfer this knowledge to women involved in politics at local, national and European level, RoWL member NGOs and other interested parties. In order to expand and multiply the knowledge and influence of member organizations in the decision-making process of the EU, there will be trainings, training sessions; study visits, seminars and conferences.
Women's priorities, first! (Women's priorities, first!) will look not only at the problems that women have in achieving equality, but above all, it will show solutions, models tested in other communities in Romania or Europe.
#5050Campaign #WomenInPowerattheEU
“Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”
5 sept 2024
We continue our efforts to promote feminist policies.
Promoting feminist policies in local councils (click on the title to download the document) is a tool that includes a collection of good practices, initiatives of civil society organizations.
NGOs, in general, but especially those founded or led by women, were the promoters of the initiation and development of social, medical-social, educational, prevention and combating violence against women and children services, as well as advocacy campaigns and capacity development programs aimed at increasing women's participation in political and economic decision-making in Romania after 1989. For example, organizations dealing with the prevention and combating of violence against women and children, including the Center for Mediation and Community Security (CMSC), were among the initiators of the Law on Combating Domestic Violence, which entered into force in 2003, and then contributed - thanks to good practices - to its development/improvement.
The achievements of NGOs have usually been promoted through Final Project Conferences and Annual Reports, but in recent years there has been an increasing number of “mutual learning” activities between EU Member States, and “knowledge derived and lessons learned” are requested in Final Project Reports. All this has led to an increase in the importance of “good practices” in interventions at any level of public policies, which has led to an increase in the quality of their implementation.
Empowering Women’s Organisations (click on the title to download the document) is a collection of practical tools and success stories to support organisations to maximise the impact of their activities at local level.
Our aim is to inspire, motivate, empower and influence these organisations to become key actors in promoting gender equality and improving the lives of women in their communities.
Gender mainstreaming is firmly established in Article 8 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: “In all its activities, the Union shall aim to eliminate inequalities and promote equality between men and women.”
Promoting Women’s Priorities in EU Law (click on the title to download the document) comprises a collection of practical tools and success stories that will constitute a starting point to promote European legislation that integrates a gender perspective and women’s priorities.
The objective of RoWL is to build both a common understanding of gender mainstreaming in EU policies and an appropriate language for promoting women’s priorities in Romania and, thus, promoting equality between women and men. The best tool to emphasize that this is possible is the appropriation of good practices, carefully selected to show how women, working together at all levels (local, state, national and EU), can change current policies into better ones.
The toolkit highlights the role of both elected women and women in NGOs in promoting feminist policies, explaining why and how local or national policies are a cornerstone for EU policies.